Wednesday 10 January 2007

Let me introduce you to Chestnut

What can I say about “Chestnut”? He’s a good solid, salt of the earth type of horse: Obedient yet with a puckish sense of humour, steady, yet willing to sparkle when you ask him to. I suppose we had to have one “normal” horse to balance Murphy’s extremes! However like most things around Fiona and I, Chestnut’s story is not without its complications. For a start Chestnut’s real name is Murphy………..Yes we have two horses with the same name. When he first came to us the November before last, first of all as a ‘share’, then on a permanent basis, it was clear that we would have to call him something other than Murphy to save confusion.
He is a 16.2 gelding that we think is part Clydesdale and part Cob (perhaps also part ‘My Little Pony’ due to his ridiculously luxuriant blonde mane and tail).
We needed a second horse after loosing Mollie so Fi and I could ride together again.
Chestnut’s owner had just started a family, and needed someone to take the pressure off of her.
Chestnut, nicknamed ‘Fat Boy’ is Murphy’s complete opposite: he is gentle and loving around people, yet can be aggressive and kicky with other horses. Relaxed and calm in his box, he can be nervous and spooky on hacks. He shares with Murphy a love of his food, but doesn’t mind a bit if you share his space with him while he eats.

The lads have been stabled next to each other for the last ten months, and Chestnut has formed a close bond with Murphy. It’s a bit one sided as Chestnut is definitely the more clingy and emotional of the two, and shouts like crazy if his friend does anything without him.
We have made steady progress with Chestnut since he came to us: he is getting loads of exercise now, and his muscle-tone is much improved, he still can be a lazy ginger slug on occasions, but those occasions are getting fewer. Part of our NewYears resolution for 2007 will be to do more schooling with both the lads, but Chestnut in particular needs to get some groundwork in.

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