Monday, 15 February 2010

Climate there’s an interesting thing. Assuming you are not a creationist and believe the world began some when during Ghandi’s childhood, you have to accept climate change has happened loads of times during the world’s history. Ice ages have come and gone, shallow tropical seas have pottered about aimlessly, trilobites, dinosaurs and thousands of species have had their leaving do’s, cleared their desks and waddled slithered or sadly flopped into the fossil record of the planet’s ‘Animal Resources’ department.

Why in god’s name then do we…small hairless, bolshe apes…think we are so powerful that we can stop the inevitable? Just because we have had an eleven thousand year spell of relatively stable climate doesn’t mean things ain’t ever going to change again. Quite the reverse is true in fact, we are long overdue for a good sort out! Perhaps the industrialisation of the western world, two world wars and farting cows are speeding things up a tad...but the world was going to change sometime. Surely it’s how we deal with it that matters.
Human beings have survived so far and become the dominant species on our planet by being very good indeed at adapting: we don’t have warm fur, but we have big brains so we can make clothes for warm or cold climates…that’s called being adaptable. Dinosaurs were very bad at bespoke tailoring…therefore it is their bones we look at in the museums rather than those of the small intelligent mammals who we descended from.

Unfortunately the politicians of the world and the loony climate change lobby (who are in the process of becoming a sort of new age Spanish Inquisition) believe that if we adopt the 'sit back, stop using energy, eat chic peas and polenta and develop very small carbon feet (apparently)' approach...everything will be fine. History, unfortunately tells us it won’t , things are all set to change…It’s just that I’m too nice a guy to lie to a polar bear!

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