Saturday, 5 July 2008

Here veggie veggy veggy!

I am at a bit of a crossroads here: I have been thinking more and more recently about going vegetarian, not for any health benefits.....I happen to think humans were designed as omnivores, so meat eating is perfectly natural and healthy......It is simply that I do not know how much longer I can face eating my friends! I adore bacon, but find pigs fascinating, comical and full of character. Is it my imagination or are cows looking at me in an accusatory way these days? And while I know the average chicken is marginally less intelligent than the mould on that coffee cup that has sat by the computer for the last week........Well who am I to condemn someone because they’re stupid? I mean I work in education in Essex for goodness sake!

I suppose I ought to ask myself how would I feel if a large intelligent predatory species decided to put me on its menu? Pretty urinated off would be the answer: I would want to fight back, rebel, storm the gates and have a revolution. Well fortunately for us I suppose that although the AK47 users manual doesn’t specifically mention it, you have to have an opposable thumb to operate one (if not any particular intelligence) so effectively ruling out armed revolt.

So they are helpless, well all except for our gelding Murphy ........who if push came to shove could probably challenge me quite well in the ‘who’s going to eat who’ stakes.........They all look up at you with dark brown pleading eyes (all that is except Murph who looks down at you with red rimmed homicidal ones)...........Aw to heck with it, looks like I’m destined to become a cereal killer!

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